Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Financial Accounting Exxon Shell Case Essay
Objective: Understanding the impact of stock valuation suspicions on fiscal reports. Task rundown: You are playing the job of a security examiner who as of late began following the Oil and Gas industry. The expert has an assignment to draw a correlation of a few budgetary markers for two industry pioneers: Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell, in light of their salary articulations and accounting reports (connected toward the finish of this archive) just as the data from the notes to the fiscal summaries summed up beneath. The two organizations seem, by all accounts, to be very comparative and are comparative in size dependent on absolute resources. A private speculator notes, be that as it may, that some money related proportions give off an impression of being unique. Your errand is to control a speculator through the fundamental advances that will assist them with understanding the impact of stock valuation presumptions on the money related proportions. The accompanying data depends on Exxon’s and Shell’s 2011 Annual Reports. Exxon Mobil Foundation data. Exxon Mobil Corporation was fused in the State of New Jersey in 1882. Divisions and partnered organizations of ExxonMobil work or market items in the United States and most different nations of the world. Their foremost business is vitality, including investigation for, and creation of, raw petroleum and flammable gas, assembling of oil based goods and transportation and offer of raw petroleum, gaseous petrol, and oil based goods. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Inventories. Raw petroleum, items, and product inventories are conveyed at the lower of current market worth or cost (for the most part decided under the rearward in, first-out technique †LIFO). Stock expenses incorporate consumptions and different charges (counting deterioration) legitimately and by implication caused in carrying the stock to its current condition and area. Selling costs and general and managerial costs are accounted for as period costs and barred from stock expense. Inventories of materials and supplies are esteemed at cost or less (i.e., lower of cost or market). The total substitution cost of inventories was assessed to surpass their LIFO conveying esteems by $25.6 billion and $21.3 billion at December 31, 2011, and 2010, individually (Convert LIFO to FIFO).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Short, Wise Quotes About Life
Short, Wise Quotes About Life Astuteness need not generally be verbose. Indeed, probably the smartest, most paramount statements by celebrated individuals are pretty darn short, yet they pack a ton of significance in their punch. Keeping it short functions admirably most likely on account of K.I.S.S.: Keep it straightforward, dumb. George Bernard Shaw: Life isnt about getting yourself. Life is tied in with making yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt: You should do the things you figure you can't do. Straight to the point Lloyd Wright: truly more significant than the facts.​​ Mother Teresa: If you judge individuals, you have no opportunity to cherish them. Lucille Ball: Love yourself first, and everything else becomes all-good. Stephen Colbert: Dreams can change. In the event that we’d all stayed with our first dream, the world would be invaded with cattle rustlers and princesses. Oprah Winfrey: Failure is another venturing stone to enormity. Stephen Hawking: Be interested. Mother Teresa: If you cannot take care of a hundred people, at that point feed only one. William Shakespeare: Love all, trust a few.​ Michelle Obama: Success isnt about how much cash you make. Its about the distinction you make in people groups lives. Wayne Gretzky: You miss 100 percent of the shots you dont take. Gabrielle Giffords​: Be striking, be brave, be your best. Madeleine Albright: Real leadership...comes from understanding that the opportunity has arrived to move past holding up to doing. Angel Ruth: Dont let the dread of striking out keep you down. Seneca: Luck is the thing that happens whenever arrangement meets opportunity. Anna Quindlen: Don’t ever befuddle the two:â your life and your work. The second is just piece of the first. Thomas Jefferson: He who knows best realizes how little he knows. Dolly Parton: If you need the rainbow, you gotta set up with the downpour. Francis David: We need not think the same to adore alike.​ John Quincy Adams: If your activities rouse others to dream more, find out additional, accomplish more, and become more, you are a pioneer. Maya Angelou: People will overlook what you stated, individuals will overlook what you did, yet individuals will always remember how you made them feel.â Malcolm X: If you dont represent something, youll succumb to anything. Hillary Clinton: Every second squandered thinking back shields us from pushing ahead. Thomas A. Edison: Many of lifes disappointments are individuals who didn't understand that they were so near progress when they surrendered. Katie Couric: it's not possible to satisfy everybody, and you cannot make everybody like you. Jon Bon Jovi: Miracles happen each day. Change your view of what a wonder is and youll see them all around you.​ Eleanor Roosevelt: Do one thing consistently that alarms you.â Tina Fey: There are no mix-ups, just chances. Francis Bacon: A reasonable inquiry is one portion of wisdom.​ Sheryl Sandberg: If youre offered a seat on a rocket transport, dont ask what seat! Simply jump on. Eleanor Roosevelt: Remember, nobody can cause you to feel substandard without your assent. Florence Nightingale: I ascribe my prosperity to this: I never gave or took any reason. Edwin Land: Creativity is the unexpected suspension of ineptitude. Maya Angelou: You can’t go through innovativeness. The more you use, the more you have. Mahatma Gandhi: â€Å"Be the change that you wish to find in the world.†â Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: When I let go of who I am, I become what I may be. Rosa Parks​: When ones brain is made up, this reduces dread. Henry Ford: Whether you want to or you think you can’t, you’re right. Gloria Steinem: Dreaming, all things considered, is a type of planning.​​​ Christopher Reeve: Once you pick trust, anythings conceivable. Kate Winslet: Life is short, and it is here to be lived. Mahatma Gandhi: â€Å"Live as though you were to bite the dust tomorrow. Learn as though you were to live forever.†â Alice Walker: The most widely recognized way individuals surrender their capacity is by deduction they don’t have any. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: Great acts are comprised of little deeds. Amelia Earhart: The most troublesome thing is the choice to act. The rest is only diligence. Ellen DeGeneres: Sometimes you cannot see yourself obviously until you see yourself through the eyes of others.â Walt Disney: All our fantasies can work out in the event that we have the mental fortitude to seek after them.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
A Change in Attitude at Two Months Smoke-Free
A Change in Attitude at Two Months Smoke-Free June 24, 2019 Brad More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Personal Stories Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use As time goes by, it can be easy to lose sight of the reasons why you put out that last cigarette and made the decision to quit smoking. After two months, you might forget how much you hated smoking, how it made you cough, and the shortness of breath you had to deal with. Its also easy to begin feeling sorry for yourself or think about how miserable you are without cigarettes. It happens to many people, especially after the first few months because we begin to romanticize the good old days of smoking. This is called junkie thinking and it is a potential pitfall that most ex-smokers will face while recovering from nicotine addiction. Without an attitude adjustment, junkie thinking can easily lead to a smoking relapse.? Brads story below is a great example of an aborted junkie thinking slide. Like so many others who grow weary of the recovery process that can unfold slowly, Brad was in a slump and starting to feel sorry for himself. Through a chance encounter, however, he found an attitude adjustment that put his priorities back in order. Brads Story: Two Months After Quitting Today marks two days since I quit smoking. Yesterday I was thinking about what I was going to put in my two-month milestone post in the smoking forum I belong to. It was not going to be an optimistic posting. No, what I had planned was pretty much a pity party. A full tilt God, I feel awful. Ive not smoked for two months and I still feel like crap. Will this misery ever end? diatribe. Then I was going to sit back and wait for all the comforting, reassuring replies that I knew forum members would send my way. Kinda pathetic, but its the truth. Then last night happened. The Attitude-Changing Encounter One of the things Ive resumed since quitting is going to yoga classes. I go three to four nights a week. Last night was pretty crowded; I guess a lot of people were getting a session in before they abused their bodies on New Years Eve. It was not a particularly good session for me. My mind kept wandering. I was thinking of the party we were going to that night, wondering if anyone there would have a cigarette, if it would be the moment I was going to slip up, etc. At the end of the class, I noticed an attractive young woman (probably early 30s) that I had never seen before. She was talking to the instructor and I overheard her saying that she was from out of town and was just visiting family for a couple of days. We walked out together and made small talk. I asked her how she came to find out about the yoga studio. She said she hadnt done yoga in a while, so on a whim looked online and found the place. She asked me how long I had been practicing. I told her that I started again when I quit smoking. Then I said I had made it almost two months, and that it was a very hard (theres the poor pitiful me part, again). She looked at me and said, Yes, Ive heard from friends that quitting can be really tough. Good for you for quitting. Then she added, You know, this is kind of an anniversary for me as well. Yeah? I said, What anniversary is it? She paused and looked directly into my eyes for a second. It was just about 5 years ago that I had a double lung transplant. It was like someone had hit me in the back with a sledgehammer and all the air had gone out of my lungs. Did she really say double lung transplant? I just couldnt get my head around it. You read about things like that, but to actually meet someone who had gone through it? It seemed impossible. Really, I said, a double lung transplant? She smiled at me. Yes. I have cystic fibrosis, and without the transplant, I would have died. I stammered around trying to think of something intelligent to say. She was very patient, I guess she had been through this situation before. After a couple of minutes, I got up the courage to say, What does the future look like? She said that after five years, the average was that she would have about a 25% chance of making it another year. But thats just an average. Ive had very little rejection issues, and Im feeling great. We talked for another 20 minutes or so. She runs a non-profit animal rescue mission in Brooklyn. She is director of a non-profit dance company. She has a full-time job. She has a significant other. She is living her life. Im not a religious person. I like to think that I have some degree of spirituality, but there is no organized religion that I would be a part of. However, when she said goodbye, all I could do is say, God bless you, April, God bless you. I can never tell you how much it has meant to me to have met you. And I gave her a long hug. Were Making a Choice Like I said, Im not a religious person, but all day Ive been thinking about her. Its sort of like that movie, Its a Wonderful Life. As if an angel had come down and tapped me on the shoulder. Almost all of us who are quitting are doing it as a matter of choice. It is tough, it is miserable at times, but we have a choice to continue doing damage to ourselves or do everything we can to beat this awful addiction to nicotine. April does not have a choice. She can only deal with the hand that fate has dealt her. There I was, feeling sorry for myself for being miserable about quitting smoking, and someone who has facedâ€"and is facingâ€"mortality every day came and graced me with her presence. And did it with courage and class. A Word From Verywell Quite often, true freedom from something like an addiction is a state of mind. Pay attention to the positive cues that life sends your way, and work to change what smoking means to you. Give yourself time to heal the habits youve developed around nicotine addiction and you can find lasting freedom just as surely as anyone else has.
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