Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Drama of the Clinton Sex Scandal Essay - 4650 Words
The Drama of the Clinton Sex Scandal Rare is a person that crosses the path of the White House without some emotion of envy or awe. This building epitomizes world leadership and unprecedented power. This renowned leadership may be the only association made by certain countries, while in the United States many see an other significance: Watergate, Whitewater, Kennedys brutal and mysterious assassination, and today, Clintons zippergate scandal. When the President of the United States takes oath, he gives up a part of his life. His private life becomes the publics life, and they feel the right to know what happens behind the Oval Office. Now the Presidency must battle against Newspaper journalists, radio personalities, televised news†¦show more content†¦But a rapidly-growing public demand for almost instant Web coverage of breaking national news stories has forced even the largest newspapers and magazines- like the Washington Post and Newsweek-to abandon the old rule. Out with the old, in with the new. It is easy to think breaking stories online could dilute journalists on-paper presence; now many have realized that online media puts all journalists on equal footing with radio and TV. So who drove this change, pushing away the status quo? Matt Drudge, author of The Drudge Report. It is still the Internets gold rush period and everyone is running around trying to make a profit. The irony is that the person who best embodies whats revolutionary about the Internet has made next to no money from it: Matt Drudge, 30, is the author of The Drudge Report, a bulletin of entertainment gossip, political rumor and witty meta-news. His web page ( is austere; it consists of a headline, links to news sources and some black and white clip art. Apparently he is really quite well informed, he reads 18 newspapers a day and he admires politics enough to go after both sides of the story when the time comes. Drudges contact list has been exp anding far quicker than his bank account he now has a huge following, with a mailing list of over 85,000 people. This web journalist has such an impact on theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The One With Five Steaks And The Simpsons 1258 Words  | 6 Pagesactors and actresses developed from unknowns into national television stars. â€Å"The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant†in season two exemplifies the show’s ability to influence and reflect a country’s culture through its emotional storylines, comedic drama, and relatable characters. In the episode, Ross’s birthday is coming up, and the group is planning something special for the event. They agree on a gift, cake, and tickets to the upcoming Hootie and the Blowfish concert. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
How Are the Two Female Protagonists Offred from “the...
â€Å"How are the two female protagonists Offred from â€Å"The Handmaid’s Tale†by Magaret Atwood and Celie from â€Å"The Color Purple†by Alice Walker oppressed by men, in what ways are their situations similar and how do they deal with the pressure and abuse?†Abstract The purpose of this essay is to look at how the two protagonist women, Offred from â€Å"The Handmaid’s Tale†and Celie from â€Å"The Color Purple†are treated in literature. This essay aims to answer the question: â€Å"How are the two protagonist women Offred from â€Å"The handmaid’s tale†and Celie from â€Å"The Color Purple†oppressed by the circumstances, the society they live in and the men in their lives and in what ways are their situations are similar?†, focusing on the similarities between their†¦show more content†¦She is subservient and dependent to men, Celie must obey her husband and take care of his children and do the housework. There are numerous scenes of violence throughout the first half of the novel, Celie is sexually abused by her father and Mr. ____. In one of her letters to God, Celie writes about her children. She writes that they were conceived through incest by her stepfather and killed thereafter. Nettie who is Celie’s sister comforts Celie and takes care of her by not judging her and offering her understanding. Because Celie is not allowed to go to school but has to work at home, Nettie teaches her what she is learning at school. In return, Celie agrees to take care of her. Throughout the novel, Alice Walker takes the young girl on a journey of self-discovery, â€Å" I feels like shit but I felt like shit before in my life (†¦) The first two months was hell though, I tell the world (†¦) And I try to teach my heart not to want nothing it cant have.†Celie also talks about her stepfather and how even though she had children from him, she does not hate him, â€Å"I don’t hate him (†¦) Look like he trying to make something out of himself. (†¦) When you talk to him now he really listen.†Celie realizes that people can change and she believes even her stepfather has changed and has become a better person, regardless of what he has done to her. Celie escapes from her oppressive husband when she
Monday, December 9, 2019
Philippines Should Be a Federal State free essay sample
A federal state, also known as a federation or federalism is a system of government in which a measure of the chief executive’s power is shifted to the governorates. Instead of the current unitary system, the federal system gives enough authority to the regions or provinces to allow them the freedom to effectively administer themselves under the ultimate power of the central government. A federal state is a state with a defined territory characterized by a junction of partially self-governing states or regions connected by a central government. It is also a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs. And this house believes that the Philippines should be a federal state. Why go federal? The real question is though, having proved that the president can never do enough; after hearing their speeches, election after election, and no progress, why should we still be interested? Why do we still lay it all to the president? And what do the governors have to do with this? The president is the president and no governor can measure up to him or her, but knowing that the president cannot really handle it all; shouldn’t we empower our governors? So that we can expect from them what we cant from the president. We will write a custom essay sample on Philippines Should Be a Federal State or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So why do we give all the authority to the president; why not apportion some to our governors? Why do we commit all our resources to the chief executive, only to be squandered into very comprehensive and hence hard-to-trace corruption; why don’t we entrust some to the governors and hold each of them accountable? This way the Philippines could advance in every way possible since each province is watched carefully by its own government. Why don’t we, in so many words, go federal? This is exactly what we need, in a country made up of 7,107 islands and a great diversity of ethnic groups, federalism promises wider freedom to self-determination, and the long-awaited across-the-board national growth.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Pro School Uniforms Essay Example
Pro School Uniforms Essay For some years now, parents, local politicians, the school board, and about every high school student has been debating over something so small to the public but a major issue to the students. Well, all the controversy is about school uniforms and if high school students should be required to wear them. Because of their low cost, business casual appearance, and means of reducing distraction of the learning process, as a high school graduate, I feel school uniforms contribute positively to the learning environment. Many educators do not believe in the positive outcomes of uniforms. They believe it is theory that uniforms will improve behavior and social outcomes because â€Å"in reality, they don’t†. (KIDS) One of their thought against uniforms is that uniforms teach children that in order to get along everyone must fit to the same standards. Dressing every student the same gives a false idea that everyone is at the same economic level. Instead, students should be able to notice the difference of social classes in their school, and be able to get along with anyone. Another idea is that uniforms interfere with students’ rights for self-expression and limits them to different knowledge. We will write a custom essay sample on Pro School Uniforms specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pro School Uniforms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pro School Uniforms specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With uniforms, a student is not able to express what their personality and likes. Also, students who choose their own clothing each school day learn to adapt to shifting social standards and learn skills that will serve them well as adults. â€Å"When they prepare for their first college visits, job interviews, internships or promotions, they will need to know how to make appropriate choices and uniforms do not facilitate this, according to a 2007 article published on the Fresno Pacific University website. After all, uniforms provide a cookie-cutter, conformist solution, while workplaces and social situations demand diverse standards, according to the Fresno Pacific University website. In addition, teens forge independence by living with the consequences of trial and error, according to the MassGeneral Hospital for Children website. †(Murdock) These are all thoughts that can possibly be true. But there are many stronger ideas of why wearing school uniforms is a positive affect to our schools and students. So, who would not want to wear their regular clothes to chool everyday and show off all the name brand stuff they have? The answer is simple, the less economically fortunate students in the public school system. Uniforms are inexpensive and convenient for parents as well as students. The basic uniform consists of a polo style shirt and slacks or a polo style shirt and a pleated skirt, which cost at the maximum about fifteen to twenty dollars. With this being said, the less econ omic fortunate families as well as the other families can easily afford them. This can make living conditions better for some of these students because their parents can save money. School uniforms can easily be found at local stores such as Target and Wal-Mart. Also, because of easy access to school uniforms, if your uniform is worn out or damaged, it can easily be replaced. Because students must wear uniforms, they are not pressured to wear expensive or trendy clothes to keep up with their peers. In addition, there is no longer an obvious difference between wealthier students and poorer students, because everyone dresses alike. As parenting goes, it is evident parents want their kids to be active in today’s business world. School uniforms can help encourage this by the business casual appearance uniforms give. When everyone is dressed the same, a student automatically feels like he or she is involved in a group. Being part of a group creates actions like teamwork, having better leadership skills, or striving for success. Also, having students follow a daily dress code provides the students with preparation for the workforce, in which they will be expected to dress neatly or wear a specific uniform. Maintaining an aesthetic appearance is advantageous to the student for the several reasons. For example, it develops habits of neatness and cleanliness, it requires discipline, and it teaches them about the importance of their personal appearance. Clothing can be an expression of personality, but it also can be a distraction in the classroom. Clothing with loud colors or flashy designs, are very â€Å"attention-getting†and can easy distract students and cause a barrier to being able to study. Many students face pressure, either implied or explicit, from their peers to fit in by wearing particular types of clothing. By making all students dress the same, students are relieved of this pressure, allowing them to better focus on their studies. Uniforms will stop other students by being judged on how they look. Also, uniforms will make it harder for cliques to form. With uniforms, no student will ever feel isolated and left out of the group. Lastly, school administrators will not have to face the complicated task of setting different dress codes. The problem of seeing girls in school wear inappropriate clothing for example, strapless, halter, and midriff tops and too-short skirts and shorts will not have to be dealt with. For guys, inappropriate symbols such as; slogans for alcohol and cigarettes and clothing with vulgar language or representing otherwise objectionable connections, that imply gang membership with also never be seen. It is much easier to have a uniform that specifies the appropriate style than to enforce independently chosen clothing. In conclusion, school uniforms should be enforced in every school district. They provide positive outcomes for the school, students and parents. Uniforms are at a very lost cost; they look professional and keep students from being distracted from their studies. If uniforms are not enforced, many problems among students can be created which can even lead to violence. Arguments about Uniforms http://www. ngelfire. com/ca/bygranite/uniforms/args. html Education Bug. Public School Uniform Debate 2010 http://www. educationbug. org/a/public-school-uniform-debate. html By Karen Murdock, eHow Contributor updated: September 23, 2010 EHowbenefits of Not Wearing School Uniforms http://www. ehow. com/list_7219608_benefits-not-wearing-school-uniforms. html Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Edit Article | Posted: Sep 09, 2005 Articles base http://www. articlesbase. com/advice-articles/pros-and-cons-of-school-uniforms-182. html
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